Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Taking some personal time

As you all know I have 3 girls. They are my first priority, that is why I work from home. Lately they have been taking a back seat to work and several other things. My poor girls have been displaying attention seeking behaviors in the last few weeks and they need to be back at the top of the list.

I am finishing the project that is in production right now, but I have chosen to cancel the rest of the projects on my list. I have never had to do this in the past and I did not anticipate being in this situation right now. I realize it is unexpected and inconvenient but this is how it has to be right now.

The deposits on the unfinished projects will be applied to the project in production. They were all for the same client. Had they been for other people they would have been returned in full with my greatest apologies.

My youngest daughter will go to school all day starting the end of August and I will have many more hours to devote to Once Upon A Costume.

I apologize for any inconvenience this causes anyone and I thank you for your understanding.

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