Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Progress 2/19

The 2 skirts are about 2/3 the way put together. I have to cut out the waistbands and then put it all together. I'm trying something new because the skirts are SO heavy. I used to put an elastic waistband on but it wasn't the best plan so now I'm going to try a one like Cinderella with multiple hooks. I think losing a little adjustability will help it will stay on better.

Tonight during Biggest Loser (I'm a big reality TV junkie, Jeopardy is my favorite show) I'm going to make the headpieces and put together the roses that pin on.

Tomorrow I start the bodices, I usually do them first but I put them off because my machine is in the shop. It has been acting up on and off for several months so I'm using my back up and I have to figure out how to do buttonholes on it, I have a feeling it will be an adventure. My machine has an automatic buttonholer, the back up does not. I don't think anyone who isn't me will notice, that is the plan anyhow.

I hope to have the one headed to NY done by the end of the week because she needs it the end of next week. The one headed to Iowa is still on track for next Tuesday. It's really convenient to have 2 of the same dress at the same time. I don't have to change thread colors on my machine or my serger.

Okay, now you're all caught up!

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