Alrighty! Here it is! Some pictures of what I have been up to since I got back from my vacation to Washington in June, what I've been mentioning in facebook status updates and the project my cute kiddos have been living without a kitchen table for (they really didn't mind).
The constuction was a collaboration between Sandra Huntsman and myself. I did the most on Asaka and the least on Armand but I sewed (even just a tiny bit) on every single costume. :) All of the distressing was done by Steve and Sandra.
The costumes were designed by Steve Huntsman (also the director).
The constuction was a collaboration between Sandra Huntsman and myself. I did the most on Asaka and the least on Armand but I sewed (even just a tiny bit) on every single costume. :) All of the distressing was done by Steve and Sandra.

Lil TiMoune


Mama Euralie & Ton Ton

Taka, Armand, Agwe

Erzulie (who forgot to put her green over skirt back on) & Mama

Andrea, Lil TiMoune, Asaka

I had a lot of fun with this project and as an added bonus because they are peasants and the costumes were being distressed I didn't have to hem anything!
The costumes can be seen live at Spring Mountain Ranch Wed - Sat until Aug 29th.
very nice! I love Steve's sketches, they are always amazing... and I love all the colors.
good work ! ! !
I like that white dress I want one without the hole in the middle and a more modest top.
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